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Mar 26
Empire Promos for Promotional Products for your Next Tradeshow, Expo, or Meeting

You should never exhibit at a tradeshow or expo empty-handed. You should always have a promotional item to give away to the attendees to elicit warm & fuzzy feelings about your company and to help remind them of you after they go home. The potential promotional items you can give away are many, and one of the best places to get them is EmpirePromos.com.

A pen with your logo on it? A golf ball with your logo on it? A t-shirt? A stress ball? Even bottled water? All of these promotional products are available at Empire Promos. They have been in business for almost 25 years (since 1984), and have Empire%20Promos%20logo.JPG established themselves as one of the premiere suppliers of promotional gifts in the industry, both online and as a traditional brick & mortar promotional products agency.

So, whatever you do, make sure you outfit your exhibit booth with some great promotional products. Empire Promos should have anything to suit your needs, from $5 items to items that are less than $1, from eco-friendly promotional products to traditional ones.

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15 Comments/Trackbacks

whatever you do, make sure you outfit your exhibit booth with some great promotional products. Empire Promos should have anything to suit your needs, from $5 items to items that are less than $1, from eco-friendly promotional products to traditional ones.

A pen with your logo on it?

A pen with your logo on it?

I couldn't agree more, the visitors, just like children in the town fair like to get free gift.

Your Pen, Hat, Sticker etc could be the reason they will remember your brand\company\service from all the other.

I also advise to consult with a pro about it. try to find something unique.

Awesome article and they have a very nice site.

consultation with pro regarding this matter is strictly advised and solicited

Its amazing how a little pen with you logo on it can get you business, pens are everyday things that one will have to use at some point during the day.

I have found the use of branded pens t be one of the best promotional items. They are used by everyone and they are not that expensive to give away, as there are so many to choose from to fit your budget.

nice post

a pen with your logo on it? what is it?

I think the same like you we should concentrate on the promotional item to give away to the attendees to elicit warm & fuzzy feelings...good thoughts..

such a nice post...keep up the good work..

I was just looking for something to give to my friends at the firm I used to work for. I was looking over the internet and found a site which sells promotional gifts. I don't know, it seems OK. I started my own business and now I would like to promote it. Does anyone have any idea?
The site from the article seems fair too.

People love getting something for friend so having a few promotional pens on you will be very beneficial for you and your company. I know I love receiving free stuff

A nice site that ranks very well in Goog.e

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