Greg Cote of the Miami Herald recently wrote (in jest) about the selection of Detroit as the site of Super Bowl XL in February. He wrote, "Travel-industry analysts says the teams are distinguished by being the only two groups in America looking forward to being in Detroit in early February." I have heard similar sentiment on sports talk radio programs. Whose idea was this? Was it political? Was it meant as a move toward equity? Wouldn't everybody--including the teams--rather be in Miami or Houston or Dallas or Phoenix?
My questions are sincere. If Detroit got the Big Game on merits and salesmanship, please tell me what carrots they dangled. I once spent half a February in Montreal because I had to. It was great indoors, but going out meant risking your life.
The other side of the issue is that, now that Detroit is hosting the Big Game, they had better do a first rate job of it, or "I told you so" will be on everybody's chapped lips for years to come.
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